Real AF - Documentaries

Real AF - Documentaries

The best documentaries - told by the realest.

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Real AF - Documentaries
  • The Unreal World

    Nine strangers meet int he metaverse during a raging pandemic. What happens next will stretch the limits of human nature and connection. This is the Unreal World.

  • Fat Is Fashion

    This documentary is about the plus sized community and its relationship with mainstream fashion and media. This film features plus size influencers, actresses, magazines, designers and many more discussing their experiences in the fashion industry and the hardships that the plus community faces.

  • The Expats - Black LIfe Abroad

  • Sin Padre

    A Brooklyn native runs a barbershop in Tokyo. His finances, the global situation and his past life haunt him with the possibilities of being separated from his son.

  • The Gateway

    A woman whose life was changed by hip hop dance creates a transformative program that gives talented young street dancers the chance to chase their hip hop dreams.

  • U Gotta

    Showing the world how HipHop made an impact on Jersey. And how Jersey made an impact on HipHop.